Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I will say it right up front. I am a procrastinator. Between Facebook, reading (The Harry Potter Series right now), movies, TV, and Hulu it's a miracle I get the things done that I do. Once I get started reading a textbook or making Biology note cards I am good and actually sort of enjoy it, but the problem is I don't start. I tell myself that I will go home after school and get such and such done, but it rarely ends up happening. There are so many distractions and I easily fall victim to them.

Because of this I have decided to cut almost all distractions out my life life for at least the next week. That means no TV, Candy Crush Saga, reading for fun (nerd problems), and limited use of Facebook. I have done this in the past, but I went straight back to my old ways. I know I will feel better for accomplishing my goals and knowing that I put all of my effort into my homework and studying. I'm hoping I can get on the right track for the rest of the school year because at the moment I am just getting by on late nights and cramming.

I've also decided that it's time to just work on me. I don't need to worry about my family, guys, friends, or anyone else. I want to become a better me and get my life running smoothly. That means I need to exercise, eat healthier, get more sleep, concentrate on school, clear off my desk so I actually have a place to do homework, and then I can worry about balancing everything in my life that I need to.

I will try to blog more often because it's good to get this down so I can hold myself somewhat accountable.

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