Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Back to the grind

     Only a week and a half and it feels like I never left. I must say the daily routine has been nice though. Wake up, get dressed, go to school, search for what seems like eternity for a parking spot, try to catch all of the biology terms my prof mentions, try not to fall asleep in class, want lunch but go to class instead, and then go home and veg out. Occasionally work gets thrown in, but that only seems to be the night before an important class or after an exhausting day. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying school, somewhat. It's nice to have new people to talk to, new colored pens to doodle on my notes, and a new space to hang out in.
     This year the program I am in has given us a room to claim as our own and believe me we have. We have brought in our own decorations, food, and dishes. I mean, we are filling the place up like we live there. And we pretty much will for the next year
     Last Friday a couple of us got together and watched Grease. They hadn't seen it so of course, me being the kind person I am, I forced them to watch it. It was nice to hang out with new and old friends. That was definitely one thing I missed about school. I want to be around people because oh can I talk. 
     A few minutes ago I submitted my nomination form for the historian of AH, which is the program I am in. It was time to try something new. Writing a blog is new to me, but here it is. If I get it I think it will be a fun learning experience. Who knows, maybe it will help me decide my major. I just might love documenting things and taking pictures so much that I will know for sure that I want to be a journalist or something along that line.
     As I look at the clock I realize that time has snuck up on me. I promised myself to go to bed earlier tonight because today I was practically a zombie. Maybe I will tomorrow night. I get so caught up in what I am doing that before I know it it is midnight and I'm rambling on.

1 comment:

  1. What I love about your writing is that is has voice. It has your voice. Believe it or not - this is a hard skill to develop and convey in writing!

    Note to all: She was elected Historian after all.
