Between watching old shows like Bonanza and M.A.S.H, watching Disney Classics (I have an addiction), and marathoning Chuck and Doctor Who (also HUGE addictions. It doesn't help that I own every episode of each), I leave myself no time for studying. I have tried to do my homework while watching TV, but who am I kidding. Before I know it I have gone through a season of Doctor Who and I'm lucky if I have half of my homework done.
Today in Mass Media my teacher passed out a paper to log the amount of TV we watch this weekend and said that we would be watching part of a show tomorrow in class. She jokingly apologized for anyone that was doing an experiment and not watching TV at the moment. Little did she know, it kind of applies to me. Oh well! I can force myself to watch TV for educational purposes.
I have achieved one small goal so far though. Amazingly enough, I am typing this at my desk! Gasp! I found about 7 packs of gum, a pack of mustache straws (Don't ask...), and countless bobby pin so that's good. Now I actually have a place to do my homework so that should make it a little bit easier.
Anyway, I need to study for my Bio exam tomorrow. I have to work tonight so now is the time.