Monday, September 29, 2014

Black Hole of Self Pity

It's funny how much time we waste in our lives feeling sorry for ourselves.

I like to lay around and mope just as much as the next person, but lately I find myself doing it more and more. Every one of us have been wronged and felt the need to curl up in a ball of self pity with heaps of blankets, ice cream, and Full House reruns. As I sit in my hotel room, listening to the ocean crash upon the shore in a mesmerizing hum, I realize how self damaging these actions are. I have once again overreacted to a small comment made by my sister and to punish her, and wallow in self pity, I have gone to sleep on the couch. Wow, I sure have showed her.

Yes, I have a right to feel hurt by things, but feeling sorry for myself gets me nowhere. I waste so much time being angry that I miss out on having fun. I'm not punishing my "wrong doers". I end up punishing myself and regretting it later. When I catch myself moping I find it hard to snap out of it. My self pity is a black hole that keeps pulling me in deeper and deeper. It is so easy for me to find reasons to let myself be sucked in that I justify my actions. When others try to pull me out of my stupor I refuse to allow it. I feel that if I move on it's as if I was wrong for feeling hurt in the first place.

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