Friday, September 20, 2013

The beginning of a complicated journey

Today, while discussing my plans for the far off future, I was given a great idea. "Write a blog." So here goes nothing.

Like so many others, I am an average college student that has only a generalized idea of where I am heading in life. I know that I want to end up comfortable, happy, and stable. Beyond that and how I will get there is a looming mystery. I am starting my second year of college and I don't feel any closer to figuring out what I want to do; what I want to become. I've thought about majoring in Communications with a main interest in Journalism, but I can't decide. There are so many career options that I get overwhelmed while at the same time feeling like I have no options. I want to get a degree that will be tangible in the business world and in today's world that seems to be impossible. You hear about college students who have thousands of dollars in loans to pay back, but can only find low-level jobs. I don't want to spend my time and money on school to be told that I'm no better than the average applicant because everyone has a degree now. The more people go to college, the larger pool of applicants becomes. This makes it harder to stand out and be recognized for the unique person you are.

I start school again in just a few short days. It seems like I just got out of school and now summer is over. It will be hard to get back into the daily routine of school, but I am looking forward to that routine. At the beginning of the summer the freedom is nice and I enjoy the chance to just relax, but by now I just want some substance to my days. I like being able to know what I am doing tomorrow and the day after that. I want purpose and to accomplish things during my day instead of just getting my money's worth out of my Netflix subscription. I know what time I have to be up, where I have to go, what homework I have to get done, and what reasonable hour I should go to bed at. I like that I can be proud of myself when I complete my goals.There is no better feeling than accomplishment and I'm an addict who shall do my best to live up to my own great expectations.